
New features are regularly added to Exam Display. This page lists the most important updates.

April 2024

  • Added 'Saved Displays' feature. Users can plan and save displays for future use
  • Added different view modes: Grid, Row and Columns
  • Added 'Favourites' colour to the colour picker
  • Improved pause functionality. Users can now pause all countdowns on a page.
  • Improved preference management - now available across devices for an account
  • Improved Display Preferences management
  • Improved Extra Time management
  • Added Preview mode for all displays
  • Improved zooming functionality
  • Tons of improvements and bug fixes to the Scheduler (private beta)

December 2023

  • Launched 'Scheduler' in private beta.

April 2023

  • Added ability to re-arrange exam papers on invigilation screen
  • Added dark/light mode

March 2023

  • Added custom extra time feature
  • Added alternate start time feature

February 2023

  • Added pause functionality
  • Added many display options
  • Improved zooming capabilities, including granular zoom in/out
  • Added the ability to remove exam papers from a screen

September 2022

  • Added offline support - Exam Display now works even offline
  • Added high contrast mode
  • Improved filters, and visual improvements on invigilation table
  • Improved account settings page
  • Added new examination boards and qualifications

April 2022

  • Initial release