Dark and High Contrast Modes
Adjusting the display to suit your needs is crucial to the experience of exam candidates. 🌙 Dark and 🔆 Contrast modes are available to help you adjust the display to suit your needs.
Dark mode
The dark mode is designed to reduce the amount of light emitted by the display. This is particularly useful in low-light environments, such as exam halls.
- To turn on Dark Mode, click on the icon in the top right corner of the display.
Example of Dark Mode turned on, above.
Pro tip: Dark mode can be used throughout Exam Display. The toggle can be found to the right of the top navigation bar.
Contrast mode
The contrast mode is designed to increase the contrast between the text and the background. This is particularly useful for users with visual impairments, or when using projectors or TV monitors with poor contrast ratios.
- To turn on Contrast Mode, click on the icon in the top right corner of the display.
Example of Contrast Mode turned on, above.
Dark and contrast mode
The dark and contrast mode combines the benefits of both modes. This is particularly useful for users with visual impairments who are working in low-light environments.
- To turn on Dark and Contrast Mode, click on the and icons in the top right corner of the display.