The data shown by default includes all candidates in your school. Visit the Filters page to remove specific candidates from the dashboards (e.g. course, retake, anticipated, etc.).
Candidate Headlines
- Click on Candidates.
- Click on Headlines.
Candidate Analysis
- Click on Candidates.
- Click on Analysis.
- The Performance Overview data table can be found at the top of the page. Scroll down to find the Enquiry Upon Request table.
- Click on Download as CSV to get a CSV file for both tables on the page.
- Click on Export if you wish to only export the one table
Top tip: You may use the 'Search bar' and column/filter buttons to narrow down the data set you wish to export.
Candidate Graphs
More graphs coming soon. Email if you would like other graphs to be added to this page.
Candidate Data
- Click on Candidates.
- Click on Data.
- Click on Download as CSV to get a CSV file of the whole table.
- Click on Export if you wish to only export specific data from the table.