First Display

First Display

You are now ready to create your first pixel-perfect exam display. This tutorial shows you the basics. If you wish to learn about all of the features Exam Display has to offer, please visit the pages under the 'Display' menu in the top navigation bar.


Please note that many of the steps below are optional. Those steps are clearly marked with a * next to their name.

1. Visit 'New Display' page

Invigilation page of Exam Display website

  1. Click on the Create exam displays button

Alternatively, you can visit (opens in a new tab)

2. Select your first exam paper

User selecting an exam paper in the Exam Display database

  1. By default, Today's exam papers are shown in the invigilation table. You may click on My Exams to show all of the exam papers offered at your organisation. Clicking on All exams will display all of the exam papers in our database.
  2. Type a search term in the Quick Search box, to help find the exam paper you are looking for. The filter is dynamic - you do not need to press 'return' or 'enter' on your keyboard. Quick Search works on Examination board, Qualification, Subject name, Component name, Level or a combination to search for your paper. For example 'IBDP Geography' will only return IBDP Geography papers, while 'Geography' will return all papers that contain the word geography.
  3. When you have found the paper(s) you are looking for, click anywhere on a row to add the paper to your exam display. When you select an exam paper, a tile is created at the bottom of the page, and a check appears on the leftmost part of the selected row in the table.

3. Select more papers*

User selecting another exam paper in the Exam Display database


This step is optional. Exam Display works fine with one exam paper, or as many as will fit on your screen! There are no limits!

  1. Search for additional papers using the Quick Search box.
  2. Select additional papers by clicking anywhere on a row.

4. Edit elements*

User editing elements of a selected exam paper


This step is optional. You can edit the following elements of a selected paper:

  • Qualification / Subject name / Level
  • Component name
  • Duration
  • Tile colour
  1. Click on the icon to edit elements of a selected examination paper.
  2. By default, the top-row of an examination tile is a combination of the Qualification, Subject name, and Level. You may edit it to your liking. Exam Display supports all languages, including Emojis! Click here (opens in a new tab) if you wish to find out the list of supported languages. You may completely remove the Qualification and Level boxes if you wish, by clicking on the icon.
  3. By default, the left-bottom-row contains the Component name. You may edit it to your liking, even leave it blank
  4. The right-bottom-row contains the official examination duration. You must use digits in this field. You can type numbers, or use the up/down buttons to adjust the duration. A handy 'Minutes' to 'Hour/Minutes' translation helps ensure no mistakes are made. Currently, you may edit the duration from 1 minute to 10 hours.
  5. Click on the Save icon to leave editing mode.

5. Change tile colour*

User editing the tile colour of a selected exam


This step is optional. Using different colours for different exams may help students differentiate between exams more easily.

  1. Click on the Palette icon
  2. Select the colour you wish to use. You can either pick one of the pre-selected colours at the bottom of the colour picker, or you can pick any colour from the top-part of the colour picker. ADD FAVS URL HERE
  3. Click on the Save button to leave the colour picker.
  4. Click on the Use Now button

6. Set reading time*

Setting reading time before an exam starts


This step is optional. Reading time can be bypassed completely. If your exam does not require reading time, please skip to step 8.

  1. Select the reading time duration needed for your examination. By default, the duration is set to 5 minutes. Duration can be edited in increments of 5 minutes, from 5 to 30 minutes using the slider provided.
  2. Click the Start xx Mins Reading button

7. Reading time countdown*

Reading time counting down before an exam starts


This step is optional. If your exam does not require reading time, please skip to step 8.

  1. You may stop the Reading Time Countdown any time you like. When reading time is over, End will be displayed on the screen. Click on Stop Reading to enable the Start Exam button.

8. Start exam

Start exam button

  1. Click the Start Exam button

9. Sample exam display

A sample screen from the Exam Display website

Your exam countdowns start automatically. If you need staggered/alternate start times, visit the Alternate Start Time page


After a few seconds of user inactivity (e.g. no mouse/trackpad movement, no tap on screen, no keyboard press, etc.), the Stop Exam and other elements of the display will disappear. This is expected behaviour, to ensure the display is as free from clutter as possible during an exam. Those elements will show again as soon as you move your cursor/tap on screen.

10. Show/Hide elements*

Display preferences


This step is optional. You may wish to hide certain elements of your display, to suit your needs. Your preferences are saved between exams. Find out more on the Display Preferences page.

  1. Click on the icon.
  2. Use the switches to hide/show different elements of your display. Try it, the results are instant. More information on the Display Preferences page
  3. When you are happy with your display, click on the Save and Close button.

11. Zoom in/out*

Zoom in and zoom out controls


This step is optional. You may also zoom in/out of specific parts of your display. Find out more on the Display Preferences page.

  1. Click on the / icons to zoom in/out. The number between the icons indicate the zoom factor currently applied to a page.

12. End exams

To end an exam, click on the Stop exam button


You may stop exams at any time. You do not have to wait for the countdowns to complete.

  1. When countdowns reach zero seconds, Time's up is displayed. To close an exam display, and return to the database page, click the Stop Exam button. You may stop an exam even if the countdown has not yet reached zero.