New Display
Select Exam Papers

Select Exam Papers

Exam Display offers powerful, yet easy-to-use tools to select the right exam papers for your displays. This page details all of the options available to invigilators/proctors to select the right exam papers!


This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the basics of creating a display. Find out more at the Create New Display page.

Preset filters

Set exam visibility

  • Click Today to view all exam papers that are offered at your organisation, and that are taking place today. This is the default option when opening the Invigilation page. The page will return an empty list if no exams are taking place today.
  • Click My exams to view all of the exam papers offered at your organisation. The Scheduler, which is currently in private beta will allow Exam Display users to save their own papers to the database, and much more. The Scheduler will be released to all users in the near future.
  • Click All exams to view a list of all of the exam papers available in the Exam Display extensive database.

Quick Search Box

Quick Search Box

  • Type your query in the Quick Search box.
  • The results get filtered in the table, as you type your query (no need to press the return/enter key)
  • You can query the following columns:
    • Examination board
    • Qualification
    • Subject name
    • Code
    • Component name
    • Level

You can also use a combination of the above to search for a paper! For example 'IBDP Geography' will only return IBDP Geography papers, while 'Geography' will return all papers that contain the word geography.

Control centre

Control centre

  • Click to add a custom paper to an exam display. This is particularly useful when using papers that do not exist in our database. Please note that papers are only added to a display, they are not added to the database itself.
  • Click to access the account settings page (opens in a new tab), where you can edit the examination boards and qualifications offered at your organisation.
  • Click to update the list of exam papers in the database. Exam Display is updated twice a year (end of February, and mid-September), with new exam dates and details. In order to ensure Exam Display works offline, the contents of our database are saved to your devices. Clicking overwrites existing contents on your device with the new details.

The Exam Display database is updated twice a year with details of new exam papers. The database is updated at the end of February and mid-September.



Your search result may return more than 5 exam papers. Exam Display allows invigilators/proctors to easily navigate through the results.

  1. The first two numbers [1 - 5] indicate the position of the papers you are currently viewing.
  2. The third number [685] indicates the total number of exam papers that match your search term/filter criteria.
  3. Use the and icons to navigate through the exam papers that match your search term/filter criteria.

Filters (Advanced)



This section is for users with very specific needs. The vast majority of users rely solely on the Quick Search box to find exam papers. It is not currently possible to use 'Or' as a boolean operator between filters.

  1. Click on the Filters buttons to access the advanced filtering capabilities of Exam Display.
  2. The avdanced filter panel contains a range of powerful filtering tools.

By default, 3 filters are applied to the result set. You may delete a filter by clicking on the icon. You may also add filters by clicking on the Add Filter button

  • Columns: When adding/editing a filter, it is crucial to select the correct column. Some of the columns in this list are not visible in the table, but can be used for filtering.
  • Operators: Exam Display offers a wide array of operators to select exactly what you are looking for. The list of operators depends on the column selected. Exhaustive list: Contains, Equals, Starts with, Ends with, Is empty, Is not empty, Is, Is not, Is after, Is Before, Is on or after, Is on or before.
  • Values: Type/select your searching terms in this box. Depending on the column, you may be able to select multiple values.