IB Analysis
Generate Results

Generate IBDP Exam Results

With Exam Analyser, from Exam Display you can generate IBDP exam results for your candidates in seconds, on result day!


Exam Analyser is completely secure and meets the most stringent data privacy regulations (GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, etc.). This is because the data never leaves your device. Exam Display does not see or store any data. You do not need to ask your school sign a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) to use Exam Analyser.

Get the correct files

You must have the correct files to generate the results. You can download the files from the IBIS (opens in a new tab) website. You need the summary file and the candidate file, as shown below.

Candidate Summary file

The Candidate Summary file contains the summary of the results for all the candidates in your school. It is a PDF file that you can download from the IBIS website.

The image below shows you how to get the Candidate Summary file.

Candidate Summary file

  1. Login to IBIS and click on Candidate
  2. Hover on Candidate Results
  3. Hover on Candidate Results Reports
  4. Click on Candidate Results

The image below shows you an example of a Candidate Summary file.

Candidate Summary file example

Candidate Detailed file

The Candidate Detailed file contains the detailed results for each candidate in your school. It is a PDF file that you can download from the IBIS website.

The image below shows you how to get the Candidate Detailed file.

Candidate file

  1. Click on Candidate
  2. Click on Candidate Results. You do not need items from the sub-menu.

Do not hover on Candidate Results. You must click or double-click.

The image below shows you an example of a Candidate Detailed file.

Candidate file example

Add the files

Once you have the correct files, you can add them to Exam Analyser.

Add files

  1. Click Display.
  2. Click IBDP.

Add files

  1. Click Add Result Files.

Exam Analyser has been tested with files in English. It does not currently work with files in other languages. Candidates with additional subjects, or on special pilots may cause issues with the system.

Add files

  1. Make sure you have the correct files. Click Add Files to add the files to Exam Analyser.
  2. Click Generate Results to generate the results for your candidates.

Add files

  1. If you wish to remove entire groups of candidates from the calculations and dashboards, use the switches to toggle candidates on/off. By default, all candidates are selected and are used for calculations.
  2. If you wish to remove more candidates from the calculations and dashboards, locate the candidate(s) in the list and click Remove.
  3. Once you are happy with the candidates selected, click Analyse Headlines to check the headlines for your candidates.