Zooming in/out
Exam Display allows you to zoom in and out of the display to adjust the size of the content to suit your needs. Exam Display is highly flexible and will adapt to any screen size and environments.
Overall Zoom in/out
Use the Overall Zoom in/out feature to adjust the size of the display to suit your needs. Using this feature will zoom in/out on the most important parts of the display, uniformaly.
- To zoom in or out of the display, click on the and icons in the top right corner of the display.
Example of a Zoomed-in display, above.
There is no limit as to how much you can zoom in to the display. The minimum limit is zero. The zoom level is reset when a new display is created or used.
Granular Zoom in/out
Use the Granular Zoom in/out feature to adjust specific parts of the display, such as the countdown or the subject name.
- This set of icons controls the line with qualification, level and subject name.
- This set of icons controls the paper name and duration of the exam.
- This set of icons controls the countdown timer.
Example of a Zoomed-in display, above. Note how the start and current times were not affected by the zoom.