Edit Paper Details
You can edit the following information for each exam paper:
- Duration
- Subject name
- Paper title
- Qualification (e.g. IBDP, IGCSE, AP, etc.)
- Level (e.g. SL, HL, etc.)
Pro Tip: Do not worry if you forget to edit paper details before starting an exam. You can edit details for the papers on your display in the selection screen, the reading screen and even the invigilation screen while the exam is running (with the exception of 'Duration' while invigilating an exam).
Editing paper details
- Click on the icon at the top right of an exam paper card.
When in edit mode, editable details turn into inputs. There
- The top leftmost input contains the Qualification (e.g. IBDP, IGCSE, AP, etc.). You may either leave it, edit it or completely remove it by clicking on the icon.
- The top middle input contains the Level (E.g Standard, Higher, Advanced, etc.). You may either leave it, edit it or completely remove it by clicking on the icon.
- The top rightmost input contains the Subject. While you can leave it blank, it is highly recommended to fill it in.
- The bottom left input contains the Paper title. While you can leave it blank, it is highly recommended to fill it in.
- The bottom right input contains the Duration. The minimum duration for an exam is 1 minute, while the maximum is 10 hours.
Pro tip: You can choose to always hide the paper details by selecting the appropriate settings in the Display Preferences. Please visit this page for more information.
- Click on the icon.
Note that paper details edits are not saved in the main database. If you want to save displays for later use, please visit this page.
The paper details are now saved and can be used for preview, use or save for later use.