New Display
Manage Extra Time

Extra Time

Exam Display allows for multiple countdowns for each exam paper. Extra time for students with access arrangements is calculated automatically. Exam Display is very flexible, and allows for the following extra times:

  • Default: +10%, +25% and +50%.
  • Custom: can be any (whole) number you want. No limits.

Sample Extra Time


The extra time controls are available throughout the application. You can follow this tutorial on any of the Invigilation screens.

Default Extra Time

Default Extra Time

  1. Click on the switches available, to display the extra time countdowns you need for specific exams. Switches are independent for each exam paper, giving you complete flexibility.

The switches are reset to hide when exams are completed. The only switch that is set to 'show' by default, is the Regular Time switch. Please also note that the default extra time items cannot be removed, nor edited.

Custom Extra Time

Exam Display is the most flexible and customisable exam countdown system. You can add up to 25 custom extra time arrangements.

Add a custom extra time


Custom extra time are saved to your account and can be used on all of your devices.

Add a custom Extra Time

  1. Click on the icon, to expand the Custom arrangements panel.
  2. Click the Add button

Add details for a custom Extra Time

  1. Add a Name for your custom extra time. The name can be anything you like. You may decide to add the percentage time added to the name, but it is optional. The name can be made of any character your device will support.
  2. Add the Extra time value, in percentage. There are no upper or lower limits. Numbers can be positive or negative.
  3. Click the Add button to save the extra time to your device.

Adding more extra time

  1. Custom extra times are sorted automatically in ascending order based on their percentages. They automatically appear in each exam paper that you wish to display.

You may repeat the process as many times as you need custom extra time arrangements. There are no limits.

Edit a custom extra time

Edit custom extra time

  1. Click on the icon, to expand the Custom arrangements panel.
  2. Click the Manage button

Edit custom extra time

  1. Edit the name.
  2. Edit the value. You may either type the value or use the up/down arrows in the input field.
  3. Click the Save button.

Remove a custom extra time


Once removed from the list, a custom extra time will become unavailable throughout the system. This process cannot be reversed.

Manage custom extra time

  1. Click on the icon, to expand the Custom arrangements panel.
  2. Click the Manage button

Manage custom extra time

  1. Click the icon. This will queue for deletion, but won't delete until confirmed.

Manage custom extra time

  1. The icon means an item is queued for deletion. Clicking this icon will remove the extra time from the list to be deleted. You can repeat the process as many times as needed.
  2. Click the Save button.

Manage custom extra time

  1. The custom extra time has now been removed from your custom list.